As leaders in our industry, we feel it is important for our team to share and learn with our industry peers. The time we commit to local industry organizations only helps us better understand how we can improve on our project collaboration, development approach, and establish stronger teaming opportunities while maintaining the most up to date knowledge in our market. We accomplish these goals through participating and supporting industry organizations like:
American Institute of Architects (AIA):
Association of General Contractors (AGC):
Association of the Wall & Ceiling Industries:
Central City Association (CCA):
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA):
Construction Owners Association of America (COAA):
Finishing Contractors Association (FCA):
International Interiors Design Association (IIDA):
International Union of Painters & Allied Trades Union (IUPATU):
Los Angeles Headquarters Association (LAHQ):
Project Management Institute (PMI):
Southern California Development Forum (SCDF):
United Brotherhood of the Carpenters (UBC):
USC Architectural Guild Association:
Western Wall Ceiling Contractors Association (WWCCA):
Recap All-Company Meeting
June 10, 2020
As news breaks about a spike in coronavirus cases, we want to remind you to stay safe and continue to practice all safety guidelines at work and at home.
The Sharpe Management Team is carefully monitoring the situation, and while we cannot control the crisis itself, we can control our reaction to it.
The recent announcement from our state Governor Gavin Newsom addressed the re-implementation of restrictions on businesses and public spaces. The Governor’s announcement also served as a reminder that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a very real health and safety issue for our country, local communities and our industry. The construction industry is deemed essential and continues to be one of the driving forces of our economy. Although we may not be able to conduct business as usual right now, we need to continue to serve our clients in the best way possible. Containing the spread of the coronavirus is vital in keeping our projects safe, preventing project shut-downs and protecting ourselves, our co-workers and our families.
On your daily Walk-of-Life, please remember to exercise these very important safety practices:
· Wear a facemask / face covering
· Practice social distancing by maintaining a 6-foot distance from others
· Wash your hands and use hand sanitizers often
· Avoid touching your face, especially with unwashed hands
· Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or inside your elbow
· Disinfect frequently touched areas and objects
· Stay home if you do not feel well and contact your primary care physician asap
For more information, please refer to “COVD-19 Response & CDC” on the Sharpe website.