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Sharpe Top Out / Finish Class


It goes without saying, 2020 has been a year of many challenges. In March, COVID-19 erupted and the world was blindsided by the announcement of a pandemic. Sadly, there is no manual or handbook on how to prepare for the on slot of issues that disrupted our workflow and our company’s calendar of events.


As our team collectively began to process the vast amounts of information, we took steps to vet through what was fact and what was not. It was our mission to keep our team safe and do whatever it took to maintain a course of high productivity, client satisfaction and team education. Eight months later, we can say we are relatively on track thanks to your courage and commitment to forge ahead and overcome the challenges.


At Sharpe, we believe learning is a lifelong journey. We are proud to announce, despite the uncertainties of the pandemic, our focus on education has continued. Since the start of the year, 275 employees have completed union certification ranging from first aid and CPR, to mobile elevated work platform, to scaffolding and more. Additionally, Sharpe Master Craftsmen have held a series of training days at our headquarters in Valencia. The instruction provided in these classes has given our apprentices detailed knowledge on their respective trades, including best practices, and has served as a refresher for our more experienced field teams. We are proud to say that all “Day of Training" events reached maximum attendance capacity.


On October 3rd, Sharpe held a “Top-Out / Finish Class” with a group that was comprised of finishers and framers, and Sharpe Master Craftsmen providing the training. Prior to the day of training, our team built a mock-up with a variety of actual construction scenarios. The day was broken into two sessions; classroom and hands-on. All attendees were able to test their skills and ask questions throughout.


We want to thank everyone who participated in the Top-Out / Finish Class and thank you all for your continued hard work and commitment.

Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc.

28045 Harrison Parkway, Valencia, California 91355-4190

Contractor's License 438612

All contents @2024 Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. All rights reserved


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